Every visitor deserves personalised recos - leaving visitors too.

Get a second chance with leaving visitors, before losing them to the competition. Transform exits into successful conversions and revenue with AI-powered product recommendations.

no pop-ups
no retargeting

You are in good company with 130+ other brands

Why nunami?


Nunami stands for clear impact. eCommerce is hard enough already.


Great service and transparent communication is part of our DNA.


Affordable AI solutions for eCommerce of every shape and size.

visitor recovery

Convert leaving visitors to paying customers, by getting a second chance when it matters the most.


Every single one of your shop visitors deserves their own personalised recommendation. We got that covered for you.

Our customers see up to


in monthly additional revenues


Gross Merchandise Value (GMV)


in Average Order Value


Conversion Rate

works with all shop systems

JOin nunami today.
Generate more revenue tomorrow.

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